medallion casting

medallion casting

medallion casting

medallion casting

Materials | metal oxides, sand, phosphoric acid

Each year, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering gives its graduating students a bronze medallion of the MIT seal. These medallions are entirely prepared, cast, and finished by members of the department.

For my senior capstone project, I designed an environmentally safe, effective, and easily processable metal-phosphate binder for sand casting applications. Collaboration with Rebecca Eisenach, Madelyn Payne, and Bret Stepanek.

 We serendipitously discovered that our sand binder is readily soluble in dilute phosphoric acid, a valuable property for casting complex geometries.

We serendipitously discovered that our sand binder is readily soluble in dilute phosphoric acid, a valuable property for casting complex geometries.

 Scanning electron microscopy images reveal evidence of metal-phosphate bridges forming between individual sand particles.

Scanning electron microscopy images reveal evidence of metal-phosphate bridges forming between individual sand particles.
